40 years improving living conditions


History of Covex S.A.

1977 - Foundation

The company was founded in 1977 and began conducting research on medicinal plants, specifically African Voacanga, which normally have pharmacological activity.

1986 - Award

Medal for merit in research and development.

1991 - Entry into USSR

An important moment was when COVEX entered the Soviet Union in 1991, thanks to the patent that had been granted a few years earlier in that part of the world, when the company had only 20 employees.


This patent led to a $9,000,000 contract with the USSR Department of Health for the sale of Vinpocetine tablets (Vinpocetine Covex 5 mg), a drug for neurological use.

1998 - Award

Silver Award at the Hall of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland

2000 - Factory expansion

Start of works to expand the factory. Investment of €6 million.

2004 - Award

2004 Reemprende Award “Project with the greatest international projection”.

2005 - Award

SME 2005 Internationalisation Award.

2014 - China Pioneer Pharma

On 1 July 2014, China Pioneer Pharma Holdings Ltd. became the sole shareholder of Covex S.A.

2018 - Expansion of facilities

Start of works to expand the factory with a new pharmaceutical plant. Investment of €5 million.

2024 - New strategic partner

In 2024, China Pioneer Pharma ceased to be a shareholder, giving way to a new European strategic partner, focused on the development and commercialisation of pharmaceutical services worldwide.