40 years improving living conditions



Data protection

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Identity: COVEX, S.A. Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 4657, Section 3ª 3839, Folio 127, Page M-36899, Inscription 1ª., Whose corporate purpose is the manufacture and marketing of basic pharmaceutical products.

CIF: A-28476034

Postal Address: C / Acero, 25.Polígono Industrial Sur. 28770 Colmenar Viejo. Madrid.

Phone: (+34) 91 845 02 00

Email: moc.xevoc@ofni


2. Purpose.

a) For what purpose do we treat your personal data?

We treat the information they provide us with the purpose of providing our services, which are based on the manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products for subsequent commercialization as well as the elaboration of satisfaction surveys.

The user must fill in the forms with true, exact, complete and updated information, being informed at the same time of those data of obligatory completion (*) and its consequences in case of not doing it. Likewise, with acceptance, you acknowledge that the information and personal data collected are accurate and true.

b) How long will we keep your data?

We will keep your data as long as the cancellation right is not exercised. In the cases in which services have been provided at a price, during the time necessary to ensure compliance with the obligations derived from a contract or pre-contract.

After a year without the interested party has carried out any activity on our website we will proceed to the cancellation of all your data, unless you have expressed your desire to receive commercial information, or the data are necessary to ensure compliance with obligations arising from a contract or pre-contract.


3. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is:

a) the need to meet your purchase requests based on a contract or pre-contract;

b) your consent, in the case of participating in the satisfaction surveys;

c) the obligation to provide the product supply, in the event that it is contracted.


4. To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Exclusively for the purposes indicated above.
Users’ data will also be communicated to those responsible for the treatment that provide services to COVEX, S.A., all of which are subject to the new General Data Protection Regulations as they are within the territory of the European Union.


5. Rights of the interested parties.

a) What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether in COVEX, S.A. We are treating personal data that concerns or not.
Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected or wish to unsubscribe as users of our services.

In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims, in addition, and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data. COVEX, S.A. will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

If requested, those interested will be entitled to receive the data available to COVEX, S.A. in a commonly used computer format, capable of being read by the applications usually used. The file will be sent to the email that consults COVEX, S.A.

b) How can I exercise my rights?

To exercise your rights you must send an email to moc.xevoc@dpgr attached copy of your ID card and indicating the rights you intend to be recognized. In the cases of opposition and limitation to treatment, you must state the reasons why you are requesting them.

At any time, and without the need to attach a copy of the ID, you can request by mail to the address indicated, that commercial information is not sent to you, without prejudice to the information that has been sent to you up to that moment.

COVEX, S.A. It has a period of one month, with the possibility of extending it another month when there are reasons that justify it, to recognize the rights that it exercises. After that period, if you consider that your rights have not been recognized, you can go to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection requesting the protection of their rights. You can find more information at www.agpd.es.

6. Security

COVEX, S.A., has adopted the necessary technical measures to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access to the personal data that the user has provided. Due to the nature of the data processing and the information used by COVEX, S.A. there is no serious risk for the interested parties. However, and in the event of any undue access to the data that could entail serious negative consequences for the interested parties, COVEX, S.A. will inform them conveniently so that they adopt the measures they consider appropriate.


7. Cookies.

a) What are cookies and what are they for?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize to user.

Depending on the entity that manages them, it can be:

– Own cookies: They are sent to the user’s computer from the computer or domain that provides the requested service.

– Third-party cookies: They are sent to the user’s computer from a computer or domain managed by another entity than the one that provides the service that the user intends.

According to the time they remain active, cookies are classified as:

– Session cookies: They are only active while the user accesses a website.

– Persistent Cookies: The data is still usable and accessible to the person responsible for the installation of the cookie during the period it sets and which goes beyond the end of the session.

Cookies are very useful for the user, because thanks to them, many of their functionalities of their use will not be possible. The cookies used are not harmful and may be used only during the user’s session, during a specific period or permanently.

This cookie policy is updated periodically and also applies to all other websites and domains in our group.

 List of cookies used on this website.

Analytical cookies

Cookie Owner Duration Purpose Level
_ga Google LLC 2 years They are used to distinguish users 2
_gat Google LLC 1 minute They are used to limit the percentage of requests. 2
_gid Google LLC 24 hours They are used to distinguish users. 2
_gaexp Google LLC 30 days It is used to determine the inclusion of a user in an experiment and the expiration of the experiments in which it participates. 2
_ym_isad yandex.ru 1 day These cookies are used for the measurement and analysis of the traffic of this web. 2
_ym_uid yandex.ru 2 years These cookies are used for the measurement and analysis of the traffic of this web. 2
yp Yandex LLC 10 years These cookies are used for the measurement and analysis of the traffic of this web. 2
yandexuid Yandex LLC 10 years These cookies are used for the measurement and analysis of the traffic of this web. 2
i Yandex LLC 10 years These cookies are used for the measurement and analysis of the traffic of this web. 2
yabs_sid Yandex LLC end of session These cookies are used for the measurement and analysis of the traffic of this web. 2

Security Cookies

Cookie Owner Duration Purpose Level
cfduid GMO GlobalSign Ltd. 1 year Validate the domain certificate 2

Content cookies

Cookie Owner Duration Purpose Level
cookieconsent covex.com 1 year It prevents the information window about Cookies, once accepted. 2
CRM covex.com end of session Check that you have clicked on “Access, I am a health professional” 2

Cookies foregoing, incorporating criteria “level of intrusiveness” on a scale from 1 to 3, wherein:

  • Level 1: corresponds to internal use cookies for essential provision of the basic service requested by the user.
  • Level 2: corresponds to anonymous internal use cookies required for maintenance of content and navigation, as well as cookies managed by third parties in the context of explicitly requested by the user in the web of services (eg .: Social Plugins Facebook or Twitter).
  • Level 3: corresponds to cookies managed by third parties in the context of services not explicitly requested by the user, allowing tracking through websites which Covex does not hold (eg .: management platforms display advertising). The specification of this level is accompanied by its owner. The use of cookies is subject to Level 3 prior permission of the user by means of confirmation of acceptance.

d) How to deactivate or eliminate cookies.

Cookies are very useful for the user, because thanks to them, many of their functionalities of their use will not be possible.

If in spite of this, the user wishes to deactivate or eliminate cookies, either in their entirety, and those that detect browsing uses for behavioral advertising purposes, they may do so at any time through the browser’s cookie management features. Next, the appropriate links for this are detailed with the four main types of navigators existing in the market:

Chrome, https: //support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py? Hl = en-GB & answer = 95647 & p = …
FireFox, http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Cookies
Internet Explorer, https://www.microsoft.com/info/cookies.mspx
Safari, https: //support.apple.com/kb/index? Page = search & type = suggested & locale = en_US & q = cookies + safari & src = globalnav_support

8. Images and information contained on the web

It is forbidden the total or partial reproduction of any text, scheme, image or other type of information contained in the web https://covex.com. without express written authorization of COVEX, S.A.

9. Links or hyperlinks

a) The current data protection policy of COVEX, S.A. It will not extend to links or hyperlinks from its websites with others outside its control, or from other websites also beyond its control with the pages of www.covex.com.

b) COVEX, S.A. does not allow hidden links (deeplinks), nor the manipulation of the contents of its website (frames) by third parties, and any link from other websites to the entry page of COVEX, S.A. No links are allowed from this website or to it that disclose or transmit any legally prohibited material, inappropriate for the formation of youth or childhood, or susceptible to generate moral rejection, individually or collectively.

10. Sending advertising by conventional or electronic means

a) According to the mechanism of inclusion of users in the lists of advertising shipments foreseen in the registration forms of this website, if the user does not click and activate the corresponding box, it will be estimated not included in such list.

b) In accordance with the applicable regulations, COVEX, S.A. recognizes the possibility of opposing the reception of conventional and electronic advertising, as well as revoking at any time consents previously granted for this purpose, by e-mail rgpd@covex.com or written and signed communication (attaching a copy of the DNI) addressed to the company COVEX, SA with address at C / Acero, 25. 28770 Colmenar Viejo. Madrid Spain). These guarantees will also be required from data assignees from COVEX, S.A.

11. Modification of this data protection policy

COVEX, S.A. reserves the right to modify this policy, previously informing users of the changes that occur in it.

12. Applicable legislation and conflict resolution

a) The present Data Protection Policy of COVEX, S.A. its interpretation, as well as any litigation derived from it between COVEX, S.A. and its clients will be governed by Spanish legislation.

b) With express waiver of its own jurisdiction, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid-Capital (Spain).